Ride the Camel!

or whatever ...

Camel: Application-Monitoring

I’ve been working with Apache Camel for a year now and i am still scraping at the top of all the possibilities you have with Camel.

In this blog i wanna show something, that might be helpful when Camel is already used and someone want to keep the statistics that your routes generate in a database for some sort of long time evaluations. I think it’s quite easy to do so and definitely not limited to handling statistics of camel-routes. If you have absolutely no idea what i could possibly mean with routes and statistics, i recommend some reading: Camel WebSite and for the jmx part itself: Camel JMX

Because this example here is build around camel-routes you’ll see the statistics kept by a ‘org.apache.camel.management.mbean.ManagedPerformanceCounter’
I want to persist those stats in a database using JPA. So i need a @Entity for this:

@Entity(name = "CAMELSTATENTRY")
@Table(name = "MyStats")
public class CamelStatEntry {

    private Long id;
    private String nameIdentifier;
    private Date statisticTimeStamp;
    private Long totalExchanges;
    private Long exchangesCompleted;
    private Long exchangesFailed;
    private Long minProcessingTime;
    private Long maxProcessingTime;
    private Long totalProcessingTime;
    private Long lastProcessingTime;
    private Long meanProcessingTime;
    private Date firstExchangeCompletedTimestamp;
    private Date firstExchangeFailureTimestamp;
    private Date lastExchangeCompletedTimestamp;
    private Date lastExchangeFailureTimestamp;

    @Column(name = "ID")
    public Long getId() {
        return id;

I think it’s not too complicated to see, what those values in the CamelStatEntry-Entity stand for.

This values get collected by Camel while exchanges “run through” your routes. The trick is now to gather those statistics in a time-interval. The idea behind the time-interval is to be able to see, how your routes “behave” over time. For this time-interval we’re going to use another route, a route defined in StatCollectionRouter-RouteBuilder. This route is one, that get’s triggered at defined points in time while using the quartz component (in my example every full quarter of an hour).

So there’s the route:

public class StatCollectionRouter extends RouteBuilder implements InitializingBean {

     * Spring injected bean, that does all the collection work, and keeps the
     * information which routes have to be checked.
    private StatCollectorBean statCollBean;
    private String targetEndpoint = "jpa:?persistenceUnit=zifsdb&consumeDelete=false";

    public void configure() throws Exception {
            .bean(statCollBean, "collect")

After the route got triggered it calls a bean, that does all the collection-work. This bean returns a list of all CamelStatEntry-Objects. The split() divides the one trigger into so many message-exchanges as you have CamelStatEntry-Objects in that List, returned by the collect-method of the statCollBean. Then every CamelStatEntry gets stored, when sent to the jpa-component. Of course, the “statsdb”-persistenceUnit is defined in a persistence.xml-file.

The last thing you need to know how to collect the stats from the Camel-Routes-MBeans.

Well the following assumes, that you have a jmx-connector started with your CamelContext and know a little bit about connecting to them and requesting MBeans. Explaining all that would be to much at this. Look @ the recommended reading above to see how this is done.

I cut my example-code a little bit, because there’s a point in there that’s rather boring: How to select the Objectnames to check. I need to connect to the MBeanServer of my “DefaultDomain”. My Jmx-Agent is configured in the spring-config like this:

 <camel:camelContext id="myCamelContext" >
        <camel:jmxAgent id="com.innoq.jmxagent" createConnector="true"  
        mbeanObjectDomainName="com.innoq" mbeanServerDefaultDomain="WebSphere"
        xmlns:camel="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring" connectorPort="39099" 
        onlyRegisterProcessorWithCustomId="true" />                          

The “DefaultDomain” mentioned above is “com.innoq”.
You need to know the default-domain, because when you search for your MBeans with the Objectname, you have to set the right Domain. The following is a part of the initialization of the StatCollectorBean. I search for Route-Types in my MBeanServer. Note that i have an extra-class “MyJMXHelper” that finds the right MBeanServer for me, which i left out for space reasons. And also allow me to say that this is just an example for creating the list: “allObjectNames2Check” - the ObjectNames, for which i want to check my Statistics.
Feel free to do this more elegantly.
The things you need to know gather around the build-up of the searchstring s and that you maybe make a List of all MBeans that should be checked.

public class StatCollectorBean implements JMXConstants {

    * Result-List of all Objectnames that have to be statistically checked.
    private Set<ObjectName> allObjectNames2Check;


    private void addRoutes2CheckSet(List<String> searchStringList) {
        MBeanServer mbs = MyJMXHelper.findDefaultDomainMBS();
        ObjectName ojnsearch;
        Set<ObjectName> routembeans = null;
        Iterator<String> it = searchStringList.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String routeIdName = it.next();
            try {
                String s = "com.innoq:type=routes, name=\"" + routeIdName ""\", *";
                ojnsearch = new ObjectName(s);
                routembeans = mbs.queryNames(ojnsearch, null);
                if (routembeans.size() != 0) {

            catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
            catch (NullPointerException e) {

The last piece of code i wanna show is the collect() method of the StatCollectorBean. It works with the Set “allObjectNames2Check” initialized in the addRoutes2CheckSet-method

public List<CamelStatEntry> collect() throws RuntimeException {
    if (!initialized) {
        synchronized (StatCollectorBean.class) {
    VirtualClock clock = new VirtualClock();
    List<CamelStatEntry> list = new ArrayList<CamelStatEntry>(allOjn2Check.size());
    try {
        for (ObjectName ojn : allOjn2Check) {
            list.add(createCSEfromMBean(ojn, clock.getDate()));
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return list;


private CamelStatEntry createCSEfromMBean(ObjectName ojn, Date statisticTimeStamp)
        throws Exception {            

    final String[] emptySig = new String[] {};
    final Object[] emptyParms = new Object[] {};

    CamelStatEntry cse = new CamelStatEntry();
    MBeanServer mbs = MyJMXHelper.findDefaultDomainMBS();
    String nameId = (String) mbs.invoke(ojn, "getRouteId", emptyParms, emptySig);
    cse.setExchangesCompleted((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setExchangesFailed((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setFirstExchangeCompletedTimestamp((Date) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setFirstExchangeFailureTimestamp((Date) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setLastExchangeCompletedTimestamp((Date) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setLastExchangeFailureTimestamp((Date) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setLastProcessingTime((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setMaxProcessingTime((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                               emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setMinProcessingTime((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                               emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setMeanProcessingTime((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setTotalExchanges((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn, 
                                                emptyParms, emptySig));
    cse.setId(statisticTimeStamp.getTime() + nameId.hashCode() + servername.hashCode());

    cse.setTotalProcessingTime((Long) mbs.invoke(ojn,
                                                 emptyParms, emptySig));
    mbs.invoke(ojn, "reset", emptyParms, emptySig);
    return cse;

Note that it is important to reset the statistics, so i have for every time interval a fresh set of the statistics.

So that’s it.
Hope you’ll be able to use some of this.

Cheers, Martin